My First Week of Go

May 03, 2020 - 6 minute read

Well the last few months have certainly been interesting. One unexpected positive is that I have ended up with much more time on my hands! So I have:

  • Taken another crack at Rust
  • Started working through Crafting Interpreters (which has been fantastic, both in the content and writing style)
  • Taken an actual look at Svelte (not bad, cool approach, so much animation built in)
  • Tried out Go

Until this week, I hadnā€™t written a single line of Go, and had only seen it when briefly checking out the languageā€™s website. I had heard a lot of praise regarding the simplicity and ease of learning, but a few things turned me away:

  1. Coming from JavaScript/TypeScript, I wanted to change it up with something powerful and low level, and between C++, Go and Rust, I had initially gone with Rust
  2. Go has no generics, and I took that alongside the ā€œsimple to learnā€ and basically assumed that it was lacking the base level of type complexity to do things effectively (while Iā€™ve found this isnā€™t true, simplicity is definitely a choice Go has made, and it comes at a cost)

Anyways, fast forward a few weeks and working with Rust was bumming me out. Primarily, the dev tools just werenā€™t working for me, and a total lack of hinting when learning a new language was brutal. On top of that, I was starting to realize that while I wanted something lower level than JavaScript, my use case (web apps) didnā€™t require something as heavy duty and ā€œsafeā€ as Rust.

Iā€™ve since learned in a Hacker News post that rust-analyzer is much better than RLS, so maybe Iā€™ll give it a try again sometime. I donā€™t want to bash Rust, still super excited about it, and using it as WebAssembly might be the most applicable use case for me.

With no use case to help me learn Rust and a general frustration with the developer experience, I decided to give Go aā€¦ go. Now that I have, I thought Iā€™d write on some of the feelings I had regarding this first week, especially when compared to JavaScript/TypeScript.

Tabs vs Spaces

Starting off with a heavy hitter. I honestly never thought Iā€™d say this, but Go has shown me that tabs are better than spaces for indentation. You can set the tab width to anything you want, so every dev can see the code the way they want to. If you like 4 spaces you can have it:

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

Or, as I am even more surprised to admit since I use 2 space indentation in my JavaScript/TypeScript code, you can do what I do and set it to 8 spaces like a lot of Go programmers (and the docs):

func main() {
        fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

I canā€™t even explain it, Go code just looks good with 8 space indentation. And nesting seems to be limited in Go so itā€™s not a big issue to have that large of an indent.

The Language

Now for the serious stuff. Iā€™ll just start off with some things that I like:

  1. Real types! Coming from the TypeScript world where sometimes it can feel like a loosely-coupled type layer, this is really nice. The fact that you can assert on types, including custom types, is pretty great.
  2. Itā€™s fast! Man is it fast, especially when you start using goroutines to divvy up the work. To be honest this one is smaller, since JavaScript is so optimized now, but I guess this point is more about concurrency and multithreading than just upfront speed.
  3. Readability. Itā€™s very clear what is going on, mostly due to the language design. It can also be interpreted as verbosity sometimes, but itā€™s really grown on me.
  4. The type system is really fantastic. Adding methods onto custom types (not just structs but custom basic types like string or a slice) is really great. To be honest I have only scratched the surface of that, since Iā€™m only a week in, but it seems really powerful.

Other than that Iā€™ve found it really easy to start being productive with, especially when contrasted with Rust. I even find it quicker to write than TypeScript sometimes.

Most importantly, Iā€™m building web apps within a week, and I actually have confidence in the code Iā€™m writing. With Rust, I was always questioning if the approach I took was the best way.

Now for some of the things I found strange:

  1. The verbosity. No generics is pretty brutal. If you want to build out a Sum function for summing together any kind of number, thatā€™s tough. Why not build one for each type?

    // SumF64 sums float64 slices. Now do this for every type.
    func SumF64(input []float64) (sum float64) {
      for _, val := range input {
        sum += val

    People seem to be on both sides of it. I think the concern is that generics will introduce complexity, and people like the simplicity of Go. I guess thatā€™s true, but I also think that they would be a nice addition as long as you only used them for things like the above. Itā€™s not just generics though, thereā€™s also lots of repetition with error handling and writing out every type in a function even when itā€™s matching an interface. This turns out to actually be a positive for readability, but I definitely found it strange at first.

  2. Thereā€™s no null. Every type just has a zero value which is still a valid value of that type. Thereā€™s nil, but thatā€™s just the zero value for some things like slice, error or pointer. But the zero value obviously canā€™t represent an absence of a value, because for int the zero value is 0, and that could be a legitimate int value. So people end up taking pointers for optional values, and then you pass nil to them rather than a valid pointer if the value is missing. For example, the ORM gorm takes pointers to any fields that map to a nullable database column, or various other libraries which set you up to return pointers from functions so that you can return nil if there is an error. I get it, zero values mean that a type is always valid for that type, but it does seem strange coming from the JavaScript side of things, even a little bad, like itā€™s a workaround to not allowing optional function arguments (I realize maybe this is just a totally normal way to do things in pointer world, but Iā€™m coming from JavaScript where pointers are only talked about in hushed whispers). It also means you have to be careful and check if a pointer is nil before dereferencing it, or youā€™ll get runtime errors. Obviously, this makes the language a lot less safe than Rust.
  3. Packages and modules stuff. This tripped me up, embarrassingly. Once I got Go modules working it was a lot better. Naming your packages on the top of the file, packages must share a directory, importing from different packages but not having to from your own. Itā€™s all very alien to JavaScript (but I guess similar to Java ā€” luckily Iā€™d done a refresher when working through Crafting Interpreters).

Developer Experience

When you first install the go dev tools in VSCode, you get absolutely bombarded by install prompts, but once thatā€™s all over the experience is smooth. Iā€™ve been using the gopls language server, and it has been fantastic. No other language Iā€™ve tried has been able to match the dev experience of TypeScript on VSCode, but this comes really close. If youā€™re interested, this is my go-specific settings in VSCode:

  "[go]": {
    "editor.formatOnSave": true,
    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
      "source.organizeImports": true
    "editor.tabSize": 8, // Personal preference
    "editor.renderWhitespace": "selection" // Personal preference
  "[go.mod]": {
    "editor.formatOnSave": true,
    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
      "source.organizeImports": true
  "gopls": {
    "usePlaceholders": true,
    "staticcheck": false


All in all, Iā€™ve really liked Go. Iā€™m going to continue building out my project in it, and it might even become my defacto back-end language. There are even more things to like about it, like compiling to machine code, or the absolutely insane start up speed. Overall, it has been a fantastic language to learn, and Iā€™m excited to see what I can build with Go.